On Leaving the Company I Founded Adello Biologics

More than a decade ago, I founded Therapeutic Proteins Inc (now Adello Biologics) with a vision of making affordable biosimilars in USA. Today, Adello has products under approval by the FDA, and uniquely that first therapeutic protein manufactured using a single-use technology that I invented. 

I wish to thank the angel investors, who gave me a head start, Jim Berens who placed his trust in my passion to help me build clean rooms, Steve Einhorn for providing the first large funding, and Chirag, Chintu and Tushar Patel, who helped me complete a fully integrated GMP facility in Chicago. It was a challenging ride, but we came through. Now Adello is in good hands with Peter and Mike and it is about time that the baton is transferred to new hands, who are much better at handling supply chain issue than I could. I leave the company I founded with an experience of a lifetime and an immense sense of humility.

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